In the United States, approximately 10% of babies are born preterm, placing them at risk of mortality or lifelong morbidity. Additionally, 1.5% are post-term, increasing the risk of stillbirth, and over 30% are delivered by cesarean section, elevating the risk of hemorrhage, infection, and surgical complications for mothers. These high rates underscore our limited ability to prevent (in the case of preterm labor) or promote (in the case of arrested labor necessitating cesarean) uterine contractility. In part, this is because we lack full knowledge of the changes that must occur to allow the uterine smooth muscle (myometrium) to transition from a non-contractile, quiescent state during pregnancy to allow fetal growth, to a highly contractile state to deliver the term neonate.

The primary research goal of the Frolova Lab is to improve obstetric outcomes for birthing individuals and neonates by advancing our understanding of dysfunctional uterine contractility and developing targeted interventions.