Hosted by the England and Oyen Labs, the CRepHS Summer Journal Club will be held every Friday from 9-10 am in the BJCIH 10th floor conference room in the summer months of June, July and August.
Presentations will include:
- Senior/junior trainee (data discussion or journal club)- This will ideally be a shared presentation between a senior trainee or mentor and a Grad or undergrad student.
- Cross-disciplinary (data discussion or journal club)-This will include a joint presentation between a researcher from the Ob/Gyn and Engineering departments and will cover a subject that relates to both presenters expertise.
- Practice talks
- Traditional data discussion and article review
Undergraduates are encouraged to participate. Bagels will be provided.
Contact: Lindsey Kent and Adrienne Scott
2024 Journal Club Schedule
For Zoom info and to be added to our mailing list, please email Caitlyn Bolozky
Date | Speaker | Lab |
6/14/24 | Sara Pietroforte, PhD | Amargant i Riera |
6/21/24 | Ben Warner | Lu |
6/28/24 | Rikki Drexler | Mullen |
7/12/24 | Kiki Bonetta-Misteli | O’Brien |
7/19/24 | Preedia Babu, PhD & Reni Akande | Mitra/Khabele |
7/26/24 | Dustyn Levenson and Katelyn Wang | Gomez-Lopez |
8/2/24 | Shweta Bhagwat, PhD | Santi |
8/9/24 | Samyuktha Kolluru | Oyen |
8/16/24 | Tianran Liu & Somto Okafor | Rutz |
8/23/24 | Juan Ferreira, PhD | Santi |
8/30/24 | Lindsey Kent, PhD | England |