Leica TCS SPE System is designed to scan and record images of fluorescence-marked living and fixed specimens. Equipped with 4 lasers and a motorized stage, the system is very user friendly and offers all the advantages of a confocal microscope. It can scan ultra-thin z-sections with pin-sharp image quality. The system also has the ability to record images like a camera, making it possible to design time lapse experiments.
Leica DFC310 FX High Sensitive Digital Color Fluorescence Camera is suitable for imaging all widefield contrast techniques. The ability to take pictures in widefield along with confocal can give users more options on how they want to image their sample.

LCI Chamlide Incubator System provides the ability to capture direct imaging of live specimens on the Leica TCS SPE system over extended periods of time, by creating and maintaining the proper temperature, humidity and pH for a long term.
Leica LAS AF Software can be used for quantitative measurements on all images captured by the Leica TCS SPE system. The LAS AF software also makes is possible to integrate the z-stack images into a 3-D image.
EVOS® FL Imaging System is a fully integrated, inverted imaging system for four-color fluorescence and transmitted-light applications.
Hamilton Thorne CEROS II is a computer assisted sperm analysis system which uses a digital camera and high-resolution digital images to measure and record the concentration and movement of animal sperm samples.
Location: BJC-IH 10th floor
Schedule Inquiries: Wendy Zhang