Determinants of Urogenital Tract Homeostasis in Aging
Category: CRepHS Research News
2nd annual CRepHS Symposium (Links to an external site)
The Long Road to Fertilization: From the Bench to the Bedside and Back Again
Antibiotics may treat endometriosis (Links to an external site)
Targeted treatment reduces number of disease-causing microbes in mice
Obese mouse mothers trigger heart problems in offspring (Links to an external site)
Effects of high-fat, high-sugar diet on heart passed down three generations
Inducing labor at 39 weeks reduces likelihood of C-sections (Links to an external site)
No increased risks to newborns, study shows
4 medical students named Howard Hughes fellows (Links to an external site)
Brooke Liang has been selected to receive mentored training through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) Medical Research Fellows Program.
Congratulations to Team BME (Links to an external site)
BME Senior Design Project Award
Symposium on Lessons from Zika and HIV: Protecting Mothers and Babies from the Next Global Epidemic (Links to an external site)
Could baby’s first bacteria take root before birth? (Links to an external site)
The womb was thought to be sterile, but some scientists argue that it’s where the microbiome begins.
Moley, Conroy, Fort honored with 2017 2nd Century awards (Links to an external site)
Honor recognizes long-term commitment that has benefited medical school